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We are a grassroots organization in Mississippi advocating for a Vocational Diploma route that prepares our students to be workforce ready. There are students in Mississippi who need a diploma route that prepares them up for employment with reputable companies and allows them to live independently with a livable wage and benefits and be a contributing member of their communities. 


  • Since removing the Mississippi Occupational Diploma in 2017, students who are WELL below grade level in classes where grade level content is being taught from a curriculum that is not appropriate for their present level. 

  • The needs of students with disabilities but who do not meet the criteria for a Severe Cognitive Disability are disproportionately impacted by not having an occupational/vocational diploma route. 

  • Only 19.4% of students with disabilities are meeting grade-level standards​

  • Teachers and students are negatively impacted by requiring ALL students, even those who are more than 3 grade levels behind or who have learning disabilities, to pass rigorous coursework and State tests for a Traditional Diploma. 

  • The occupational/vocational diploma will allow these students to be taught in smaller classes with a focus on instruction and pacing in areas that align with goals of our area's workforce. 


ALL students deserve to experience success, gain confidence, create attainable goals, and find their purpose. 

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